Superorganism | Tartu 2024
European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 is the main event in Estonia this year. The year-long program in Tartu and Southern Estonia presents over 1000 events inspired by the artistic concept Arts of Survival or the knowledge, skills, and values that will help us lead a good life in the future.
Adding to the rich program of events is the “Superorganism” event, scheduled for 18 October to 23 November 2024. This event will consist of an exhibition, symposium, and publication, featuring works by 17 Magic Carpets platform members and partners from different EU countries. The exhibition in a cultural and creative center “Aparaaditehas” will explore the intertwined relationships between social human structures, animals, plants, living organisms, machinery, and artificial intelligence, against the backdrop of contemporary global challenges. “Superorganism” aims to be a metaphorical exploration of unity in diversity and resistance, using art as a platform for experimentation and shared experiences as a force for empathy and understanding.
All these adventures do not want to tell us something perfect, but become a metaphor and allow us to talk not only about the aspects most related to human life as a species but also as a starting point from which to talk and question ourselves on the connections with other human and non-human species.