Carmen Brucic
Aug 18, 2021

Carmen Brucic

Currently lives and works in: Innsbruck / Austria

Residency organisation: Tbilisi Photo Festival

Practice: Photography, Theater, Multimedia

I am interested in emotional subjects. Usually I start with an image. My preferred medium is photography. The combination of photography, presentation, performative intervention, and a process-like, often participatory, unfolding of events is essential for my work.

Areas of interest: Youth culture, education, storytelling, photography, theatre, performance


MagiC Carpets project

“Private Stages” by Carmen Brucic


Past projects you are proud of:

In blank mirrors the warmth of a life

Photography, room installation, participatory work with young people

A portrait of an artist’s apartment after the artist has just moved into the retirement home. There, in the shadows and mirrors, I encountered the traces of love for painting and the doubts, struggles and the warmth of life. The photographs that record my encounter with the place were shown in room installations together with everyday objects by the artist. The texts of young people about the photographs and their contemporary room installation complement my exhibition in the Volkskunstmuseum Innsbruck.


What inspires you as an artist?

Life stories

(and the conditions that influenced them – places, times, political circumstances, social conditions, …)

Abandoned places

Coincidences and their consequences

To go for a walk

What do you think is the purpose of art? Art is the Guarantee of Sanity (Louis Bourgeoise).

Your favourite book(s): Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge (Rainer Maria Rilke), Warum Denken traurig macht (George Steiner), The Aleph (Jorge Luis Borges), Das Buch der Unruhe des Hilfsbuchhalters Bernardo Soares (Fernando Pessoa), die Verwandlung (Franz Kafka), Robotermärchen (Stanislaw Lem), Ein Zimmer für sich allein (Virginia Woolf), Wuthering Heights (Emily Brontë), Heart of Darkness (Joseph Conrad)…

Your favourite film(s): Roma (Federico Fellini), Roma (Alfonso Cuarón), Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2045, Charly Chaplin’s The Great Dictator, Kids (Larry Clark), Le scaphandre et le papillon (Julian Schnabl), À bout de souffle (Jean-Luc Godard), Traffic (Jacques Tati), La Grande Bouffe (Marco Ferreri), Le Mari de la coiffeuse (Patrick Leconte), Gattaca (Andrew Niccol), Drive (Nicolas Winding Refn), A single Day ( Nick Cassavetes), Lost in Translation (Sophia Coppola), A clockwork orange (Stanley Kubrick)…

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